Please be aware that photographs and/or video are often taken at British Association de Menton events. Should you wish to not appear in photographs or videos that are published on the website, or in media elsewhere, please absent yourself at the time the photographs or videos are being taken.
BA Menton Luncheon - Restaurant des Artistes
Thursday, November 14th 2024

ARMISTICE DAY, Monument Au Morts Place des Victoires and Lunch at L'Entre Deux
Monday November 11 2024
After the ceremony, our members gathered for a happy social get together luncheon at “L’entre Deux”.
My thanks to our members, who always turn out in large numbers to support Armistice Day, a fixture of the British.

BA Luncheon - La Topia
Saturday, October 12, 2024
Photos from our recent October lunch at the TOPIA in Garavan, organised by our committee member Helena Forsen.
Luckily, the weather was good to us and 30 members enjoyed nibbles and drinks in the garden before lunch.
We were delighted to welcome four new members to our association on that occasion, who joined in seamlessly and enjoyed meeting other members.

BA Menton Aperos - L.A. Yogurteria - Friday September 27th 2024
Dear Members,
We had a fantastic turnout of 40 members and friends at last Friday’s Apero. Fortunately, nearly everyone arrived on time, which was great, enabling staff to take orders, without us all having to wait for late comers.
After the August break, our Wednesday coffee mornings have also attracted large numbers of members, so much so, that extra coffee making equipment will be purchased in time for next Wednesday.
Many thanks to all members for your support.
BA Menton Sanremo Trip - Thursday 12th to Sat 14th September 2024
Our two-day trip to Sanremo, was great fun and enjoyed by all. Even though our celebrated dinner at the elegant rooftop restaurant of the casino, included the csaino having to temporarily cover the normally open rooftop, due to the lashings of a ferocious storm. We stoically followed that old British adage, “Keep calm and carry on.”
Everyone enjoyed our characterful hotel. We visited the Russian Orthodox church, the old town, Pigna di Sanremo, were ripped off at lunch, but very much enjoyed prosecco’s and canapes later that afternoon.
A visit to Villa Nobel, followed by a tasty lunch, shopping, (Sanremo has fabulous shops) and dinner at a good seafood restaurant across from the fish market, concluded our trip.
Picture Descriptions
Garden of our hotel
Nice having breakfast al fresco
Russian Ortohdox church
Diana lost in reverie.
Sanremo seen from pigna di Sanremo
Lunch after our trek to the old town
David joining Holy Orders!
Drinks at our hotel before Casino rooftop dinner and not a raindrop in sight.
Rooftop restaurant of Sanremo casino
Liberation de Menton
Dear Members,
Yesterday, (8th September 2024) we joined the people of Menton, to commemorate 80 years since the Liberation of Menton. An event we have been participating in for many years, presenting a floral tribute from the British Association, at Place Koenig.
According to the programme issued by the mairie, the wreath-laying ceremony would take place, “Comme d’habitude,” at 15:30pm
I arrived punctually, surprised at not seeing the flurry of officials, standard bearers, musicians and the usual mayhem before the mayor arrives.
For a panic-stricken 30 minutes, I thought I’d missed the ceremony. I imagined the head of protocol having called me to lay our wreath…….What would have happened? Such an embarrassment for our association and for yours truly.
With my head bowed in shame, not to mention hot flushes, I noticed an official from the mairie passing by and ran after him. Grabbing the poor man in my excitement to find out what had happened.
“Rien,” he replied. “We commence at 17:30pm” I’m sure you can imagine the flood of relief I experienced and that the glass of rose I drank was purely for medicinal purposes.
Everything went well and videos of the occasion, taken by Clive and Audrey will be posted on our website.
Many thanks
BA Menton Luncheon - La Note Blanche - July 23rd 2024
On a hot day late in July, we were very thankful for the light breeze at our last luncheon of the summer, at the seafront restaurant, “La Note Blanche.” The staff looked after us well and everyone enjoyed the occasion.
BA Menton Aperos - L.A. Yogurteria - Friday April 26th 2024
Last Friday’s Apero, on a very cold and rainy day, still managed to attract13 members. The Yogurteria kindly allowed us to take over the interior, serving lots of tasty canapes. Our next Apero here will be on 31. May and all being well, the sun may shine !
L.A. Yogurteria
BA menton luncheon - Eventail
Friday April 12, 2024
Yet another incredibly successful BA Menton lunch, with members and guests taking every available seat in this very attractive restaurant.
We heard many positive comments on freshness of the ingredients.
Before lunch, members explored the «Grand Hotel des Ambassadeurs » built in 1885 and were given a guided tour in English by the owner, followed by drinks on the house. The hotel has a unique artistic interior. We shall return!
All in all, a memorable experience.
Well done Committee member Helena.
[click on images to expand]
Coffee Morning Wednesday April 3rd 2024
A great turnout at our Coffee Morning today!
BA Menton Luncheon - JOY - Friday March 15 2024
More than 30 members enjoyed a great lunch at the new restaurant, « Joy » in
Menton. It was a first venue for our association, although some members had visited previously.
The menu was interesting affording many different choices.
Everything was tasty and the event well organised and no complaints.
BA Menton Luncheon - Le Paris Palace
Thursday February 15th 2024
We had 22 members attend our lunch at Paris Palace. The food was delicious and the service excellent.
A great time was had by all.

BA January Luncheon - Le Cyrnos
Thursday January 18 2024
22 members and guests attended the January luncheon at Le Cyrnos, which all enjoyed.