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British Association Lunch


Roquebrunoise  Restaurant
Thursday April 26th at 12:30 pm

For our April lunch we shall be going up to the Roquebrune Village.  Come and join us on the Terrace of the Roquebrunoise Restaurant.

There is ample parking at the village, and there is also a public bus. Please contact me for more information.  For those driving please let me know if you have room in your car to take someone along.


-Kir Maison

-Terrine de foi de Volaille maison, au Poivre Vert et raisin sec présentée avec son confiture d'onion et pain grillé
(Homemade Chicken Liver paté with green peppers /raisins, presented with onion jam and grilled bread)

-Filet de Dorade Royal sur peau sauce vierge
(Filet of Dorade with skin/ virgin sauce).
-Queue de Boeuf en Daube
(Beef stew )

-Tarte de Pommes Normande creme Chantilly maison(Apple Pie with home made Cream).

-  1/4 litre wine pp, coffee.

Price 30€ for members 35€ for non members

Contact me at  
04 93 35 29 93
with your main menu choice

Please settle your meal ahead of time either by cheque or cash

You can send your cheques to me, or pay cash at one of the coffee mornings at the Louvre.

Jill Lathuilliére
L'Imperial B
9, Avenue de la Madone

Earlier Event: April 22
Red Bull Air Race - Cannes
Later Event: April 29
Poolside Lunch