Casino Barrière, Menton
We have block booked the Casino restaurant.
Aperitifs and Canapés will be served on the terrace, giving people a chance to meet and mingle.
Aperitif Kir et Amuse-bouche
Terrine Gourmande de Saumon
Salade de légumes Façon Antipasti
Supréme de Pintarde et gratin Dauphinois sauce au thym
Filet de Daurade Royale et Légumes de saisons avec sauce au beurre blanc
Entremet Poire-Caramel
1/3 vin rosé et blanc / Eau Mineral / Café
€5 worth of « chips » for the gaming table.
Price €45 per person
If having a “flutter” at the gaming table after lunch, please remember your PASSPORT or ID
This is our first venture with the American Club of Cannes. We are the hosts in Menton and they will kindly reciprocate with an invite to the Cannes Film Festival in May.
Here’s hoping for a great turn out and the opportunity to meet new people.
Booking requests please to Jill at or fill out the form below.