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BA Luncheon - LA TOPIA

  • La Topia 9 Avenue Blasco Ibanez Menton, Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur, 06500 France (map)

We have our October lunch on the 12:th at 12.30 .

We meet at Restaurant “La Topia” 9  Av, Blasco Ibanez in Garavan.

Menue 12/10 ”La Topia”

45 Euro/p (Non members 48 Euro)

Welcome drink :

Sangria blanche ou cocktail sans alcool

Served with :

Pichade pissaladière feuilleté fromages feuilleté saucisse maison

Entrée :
Duo chèvre et reblochon pané et miellé sur mesclun niçois

Salade de la Topia : mesclun niçois crudités panisse

Plat :
Joue de bœuf en daube et ravioli bourrache frais

Ravioli à la bourrache frais tomates cerise a ail et artichaut
Ravioli à la bourrache frais à la crème de parmesan

Dessert :

Fondant chocolat sauce caramel beurre salé

1 bouteille de vin pour 3 personnes (couleur au choix)

Un café

If you arrive by car, park on the street. If you take the bus 1, jump off at station Blasco Ibanez and then walk 5-6 minutes up the hill to the Restaurant which also has a mini golf course. You may also walk down from Boulevard Garavan.

You must notify that you are attending latest Friday 4 October.

You have a choice of meat or vegetarian on the main course and salad with cheese or without for the starter ?

Please let me know you choice.

Cancellations no later than 48 hours before.

 You can send a cheque labelled “British Association” to:

Helena Forsén
16D Promenade  du Val de Menton
06500 Menton

 Or:  Cash /check in an envelope with your name on ( even money please), to any of us in the coffee mornings or Apero evening.